Physical Therapy At Home, Can you do it?
Man doing Physical Therapy At home ,Can You do It ?

Physical Therapy At Home, Can you do it?

Are you currently a physical therapy patient? Have you recently completed your PT program? Do you want to continue your PT at home?

Having the right tools at home to perform your prescribed exercises can help you progress your healing during PT or maintain your results after your physical therapy treatment has ended. We can provide those tools to you to get the lasting results you want.

How to Do Physical Therapy at Home

Physical therapy (PT) is often crucial in achieving lasting outcomes for patients recovering from countless musculoskeletal disorders. Your physical therapist will provide you with education and targeted exercises you can return to at any time in the future – particularly if you suffer from a condition like chronic back pain that requires ongoing attention and maintenance.

Examples of what can be done in a convenient and comfortable setting at home include:

✅ Stretching

✅ Core strengthening exercises

✅ Resistance training

✅ Balancing exercises

✅ Weigh training using small weights

If you want to gain control over your healing process, doing your PT at home will determine how quickly you heal, to what degree, and how long the benefits of your PT last.

What Is Home-Based Physical Therapy?

Home-based PT is prescribed so that people suffering from musculoskeletal conditions and injuries can regain their usual motion and strength more fully and quickly. You will make more progress between sessions with your therapist and allow family members to be involved in the rehabilitation process for patients who need extra support.

We provide home physical therapy equipment that is built to last, user-friendly, and effective, allowing you to get the most out of your workout or therapy session.

Physical therapists often prescribe home exercises for patients experiencing:

Pain from a hip, knee, or spinal injury

A repetitive work injury

A loss of balance

Muscle atrophy following surgery

Difficulty walking

Joint pain

When Does At-Home PT Begin?

Prescribed sessions with a physical therapist may last from a few weeks to a few months. Still, at-home treatments usually begin after your first visit. If you have been referred to a therapist after an injury, especially one that required surgery, stretches and exercises that can be done at home will likely begin as soon as you can perform them without pain or risking further injury at your appointments with your PT. Getting started with PT as quickly as possible is essential to healing and regaining maximum strength and mobility.

Is Home-Based PT the Same as in the Clinic?

A physical therapist will create a home exercise program to help you improve your condition between visits. Incorporating your treatment plan into your home routine gives you more control over your injury or illness. Your therapist will provide you with a list of exercises, outlining the amounts of sets to do each day. It will likely incorporate parts of the same routine you do with a therapist at a clinic aimed at increasing the motion and strength of the affected area.

Ask any questions you have to make sure you’re positioning yourself correctly at home, as well as to prevent future problems from occurring.